Registered Agent

Registered agent service for Wyoming is offered at 1621 Central Ave Cheyenne WY 82001.  There appears to be many Wyoming registered agents located in the same building at 1623 Central Ave Cheyenne WY 82001 and 109 E 17th St Cheyenne WY 82001.  Only 2 exist at 1621 Central Ave Cheyenne WY 82001., Inc. rents the property and Incorp Services pays a fee to use the address for a virtual office in Wyoming since they operate out of Nevada.


Registered Agent Service at 1621 Central Ave Cheyenne WY 82001

Information from, Inc. :, Inc., is the leading Wyoming registered agent for handling all your incorporation needs. As registered agents with decades of experience, we are expert in forming and managing Wyoming corporations and Wyoming limited liability companies or LLCs, in a State known for business-friendliness and respect for privacy.

The State of Wyoming corporation and LLC statutes require every corporation and LLC have a registered agent in Wyoming.

Once we receive any legal process on behalf of your corporation, such as a civil summons and complaint or garnishment, the paperwork is logged, scanned, and forwarded to you by first class mail and email.

As part of your registered agent package, we will also forward up to 20 pieces of mail per year to any U.S. address., Inc. is locally owned and based in Cheyenne, Wyoming a few blocks from the Secretary of State’s office. We are Accredited members in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.

Enjoy the personalized service you deserve, by making, Inc., your local registered agent today.

Wyoming Does Not Require A Social Security Number (SSN)

Starting June 01, 2005, Nevada now requires the names, addresses, date of birth and social security numbers of all the shareholders of their corporations or LLCs.

Wyoming Maintains Low Fees

Wyoming charges about 40% less than Nevada when setting up any company (LLC, S- or C-corporation). There are also no “hidden fees” to be paid to the state for filing officer lists.

No Nevada Stigma

While Nevada companies are often the choice of fraudsters, con men, and worse, the State of Wyoming has kept a clean image by investigating fraud and stamping it out.

3-5 Day Filing Time

Once a filing is submitted, it takes no more than 5 business days to be returned. There are no “expedite” fees in Wyoming.

No Business License Required

There is no business license required to do business in Wyoming. Nevada requires that State and sometimes local business licenses be mainatained at additional expense.

No Burdensome Regulations

Wyoming is an easy place to do business, without the inspectors and government agents constantly watching over your shoulder.

Low Cost Commercial Space and Real Estate

Office space in downtown Cheyenne Wyoming is as low as $160 per month. In 2013, houses in town and in rural settings are as low as $30,000.

Geographically Strategic Location

Cheyenne was originally settled as the midway point on the transcontinental railroad. Located in the center of the continental U.S., it is the ideal location for warehouse and distribution facilities.